Supervisory Development Content Library

Just-in-time resources to expand your knowledge when it’s convenient for you. Explore quick guides, worksheets, templates, videos, and on-demand webinars to get tips, and practice the skills you’ve learned through online exercises at your own pace. 



Carrying on Mission-Critical Work in Difficult Times

The circumstances of the last few weeks have required us to shift priorities and adapt to new ways of working. It can be challenging to lead your dispersed team to get results in innovative ways.


Carrying on Mission-Critical Work in Difficult Times ActionSheet

The circumstances of the last few weeks have required us to shift priorities and adapt to new ways of working. It can be challenging to lead your dispersed team to get results in innovative ways.


Carrying on Mission-Critical Work in Difficult Times Podcast (41:32)

The circumstances of the last few weeks have required us to shift priorities and adapt to new ways of working. It can be challenging to lead your dispersed team to get results in innovative ways. Join us for the new webinar "Carrying on mission-critical work in difficult times".


Delegate to Achieve and Empower

Delegating effectively is more than just assigning a task, it’s getting the work done through other people. As a supervisor, you need to know which tasks are appropriate to delegate and which are not, who to delegate to, and how to ensure the project is on track.


Delegate to Achieve and Empower Podcast (49:42)

Delegating effectively is more than just assigning a task, it’s getting the work done through other people. As a supervisor, you need to know which tasks are appropriate to delegate and which are not, who to delegate to, and how to ensure the project is on track.

Quick Guide


Delegation is when you empower and entrust your employee to take responsibility for a task or activity. Effective delegation takes commitment and a well thought through approach. You may choose to delegate to improve overall results and/or to help develop an employee’s skills.


Driving Action Through Accountability

The decisions you make when your employees exceed, meet, or do not meet expectations create standards for accountability.


Driving Action through Accountability ActionSheet

The purpose of this ActionSheet is to reinforce what you learn about accountability. This ActionSheet accompanies the live or recorded webinar, “Driving Action through Accountability”. Print or take notes electronically.