Supervisory Development Content Library

Just-in-time resources to expand your knowledge when it’s convenient for you. Explore quick guides, worksheets, templates, videos, and on-demand webinars to get tips, and practice the skills you’ve learned through online exercises at your own pace. 



Building Resilient Teams and Departments Podcast (55:52)

This presentation is on the topic of building resilience for teams and departments. The content was built based on themes from participant evaluation feedback, comments, and questions and focuses on the challenges supervisors face in leading teams and managing team dynamics.


Carrying on Mission-Critical Work in Difficult Times Podcast (41:32)

The circumstances of the last few weeks have required us to shift priorities and adapt to new ways of working. It can be challenging to lead your dispersed team to get results in innovative ways. Join us for the new webinar "Carrying on mission-critical work in difficult times".


Delegate to Achieve and Empower Podcast (49:42)

Delegating effectively is more than just assigning a task, it’s getting the work done through other people. As a supervisor, you need to know which tasks are appropriate to delegate and which are not, who to delegate to, and how to ensure the project is on track.


Driving Action Through Accountability Podcast (49:32)

The decisions you make when your employees exceed, meet, or do not meet expectations create standards for accountability. Accountability is not just negative or punitive. It can refer to positive consequences for employees who meet or exceed expectations, too. There are many things that get in our way when we try to foster a culture of accountability: assumptions or miscommunication, discomfort with difficult conversations, limited time, and fear. Learn how to address some of these when you’re creating standards for accountability.


Employee Engagement in Action Podcast (47:36)

This presentation is on the topic of Employee Engagement. The content was built based on themes from participant evaluation feedback, comments, and questions and focuses on the challenges supervisors face in taking action on employee feedback.


Employee Engagement Podcast (48:39)

Employee engagement is the extent to which we, as employees energy, and effort at work. Peak engagement happens when we face meaningful challenges while having the support and resources we need to succeed.


Engaging Virtual Teams Podcast (65:26)

Visit for more information and to find all the resources mentioned in the podcast.


Feedback and Coaching Podcast (54:19)

Providing feedback and development coaching are important parts of supervision, yet it can be difficult to achieve the result you intended every time. In fact, research shows that only one-third of performance feedback interventions actually lead to increased performance. However, learning what science and practice tell us about what actually works can help beat those odds.

Podcast | Webinar

Giving Feedback that Works

According to research, only one-third of performance feedback interventions actually lead to increased performance. We can help you beat those odds by knowing what works. During this webinar, you will learn what science and practice tell us about effective feedback and coaching. We will also take a deep dive into when feedback and coaching do and do not work and what you can do about it.


Leading Teams Podcast (54:36)

Effectively developing teams that harness individual strengths while managing differences is a challenge most leaders face. This podcast will cover:

-How to identify when a team is the best option to complete a task.
-The key elements to launch and build an effective team.
-Strategies to improve a team's performance, decision-making, and conflict resolution.