Supervisory Development Content Library

Just-in-time resources to expand your knowledge when it’s convenient for you. Explore quick guides, worksheets, templates, videos, and on-demand webinars to get tips, and practice the skills you’ve learned through online exercises at your own pace. 


Quick Guide

Preparing for an Interview

Preparing for an interview helps you avoid leaning on your impressions of a candidate, which is commonly known as a “gut decision.” An objective and thorough interview process can help you make a solid hiring decision, which will help decrease unwanted turnover, improve engagement in department priorities and save time and money in the long run.

Quick Guide

Quick Guide to Building Work Stress Resilience

Managing work stress is all about building your capacity to adapt well and bounce back from difficult circumstances. As a supervisor, you can serve as a role model to your team in becoming more resilient and preventing burnout. How? You have the ability to lessen many of work’s greatest stressors for the individuals you supervise.

Quick Guide

Seeking Solutions

Conflict can feel like a competition in which you either win or you lose. However, most of the time, there are solutions that will give everyone something they need. A key to managing conflict is to begin by understanding everyone’s interests, needs, and priorities and then think creatively about mutually beneficial solutions. 

Quick Guide

Student Support Resources

The resources were recommended by University of Minnesota student supervisors that participated in the Supervisory Development programming. This list is not comprehensive- there are many, many more resources available at the University of Minnesota geared towards specific student needs. Use this as a starting point to complement other services you know of that support students. For more information on supervisory best practices, visit

Quick Guide

Supervising Undergraduate Students

As a supervisor of student employees, you play a big role in developing and supporting them as they grow professionally, personally, socially, and academically. This quick guide outlines steps you can take to make the experience more meaningful for you and your student employee.

Quick Guide

University of Minnesota Manager/Supervisor Leadership Challenges

Guide detailing various challenges managers and supervisors may experience.