A record 74% of employees responded to the 2019 Employee Engagement survey. Faculty and staff increasingly see the survey as an important tool to share their experience of working at the University.
Overall survey results across all University faculty and staff have held mostly steady since 2017, with one exception. The most dramatic change since the last survey came from the increasing number of faculty and staff who said action was taken on issues raised in the last survey (+5 faculty, +3% staff).
Still, a closer look at the data also shows that faculty and staff have a wide range of experiences depending on their college, unit, and department. For example, faculty who responded favorably to the survey question ”Action was taken on issues raised in the last survey” ranged from 20%–59%, and the range from staff was even wider, from 17% to 70%.
The fact is the University is a large organization, so what drives engagement in one department or unit may not work in another. That’s why it’s important for leaders at every level of the University to focus on understanding and addressing feedback.
Act on Feedback
Top-down and bottom-up; micro and macro—leaders at every level of the University have a role in driving employee engagement.
Supervisors should continue to listen and respond.
If you received a survey report, share it with your employees. If you didn’t receive a report, ask your direct reports for feedback on their work experience or ask your manager for the data that includes your team. Use the questions in this Quick Guide to gather their input. Then use that feedback to celebrate strengths and create a plan to make changes with your direct reports. Here are some ideas about everyday engagement to get you started.
Directors and department heads must facilitate conversations.
Directors and department heads can demonstrate transparency and commitment to employee engagement by sharing survey results with their faculty and staff. Then have conversations (formal or informal) to understand the context around feedback from the survey. Continue those conversations by facilitating discussions that address the most important issues, identify solutions, and celebrate strengths and accomplishments. Finally, follow through. Create a plan to implement solutions and make changes that address employee feedback and support your strategic priorities.
For senior leaders, accountability is paramount
Because employee engagement varies so widely between campuses, colleges, and units, senior leaders should charge each of their directors and department heads with making a plan to address faculty and staff feedback from the survey. Don’t stop there—be sure they have the support and resources to lead meaningful change.
Senior leaders set the standard and expectation for survey follow-up in their college or unit. Hold your leaders accountable by clearly communicating your expectation around action planning. Follow up to ensure progress is made. If your leaders haven’t made progress, you may need to adjust your level of consequence. If they have made progress, respond positively. Your response conveys the level of accountability associated with survey follow-up and action planning. Read more about the accountability ladder in the Quick Guide to Accountability.
The consequence of inaction
Addressing and acknowledging feedback will help to build trust. It also lets your employees know that you care about their thoughts and experiences. Employees are more likely to continue to offer feedback if they know you are listening and willing to address their concerns. If you stop listening to their feedback, they’ll stop offering it.