HR Update

PAT Update - October 2024

As the development of the Performance Appraisal Tool (PAT) continues behind the scenes, we wanted to remind the HR community of the current and future stages and action expectations.

Current Stage: Goal Setting

What it means:

  • Employees now have year-round access to goal setting within PAT where they can both set new goals for the year and upload goals from previous years if they want access to them on the new platform.

Required action:

Up Next: Training and Expanded Access

What it means:

  • Administrative access to the evaluation functionality will be available in late December to prepare for the next year's evaluations.

Required action:

  • Training must be completed before administrative access is granted. The training is available now, but Talent Strategy recommends completing it closer to the December launch so the information is fresh in your mind. Talent Strategy will provide virtual working sessions in December to help set up evaluations and answer questions.


Contact Shannon Luloff ( with any questions.

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University employees can now access their 2024 W-2 tax-reporting forms online. 

Eligible GAs can now enroll in a flexible spending account for 2025.

The agreement represents 4,500 graduate assistants and runs through June 30, 2027.

You may notice a different look on the HSA Bank website and future communications.

January 15 Deadline for GA pay changes.