
Special Edition: Take Care

In the aftermath of last week’s tragic events, we understand how difficult it is to be a leader at a time like this when you have to find a balance between managing your own emotions and being there for your team.

Keeping High Performers Engaged on Your Team with Stay Interviews

  • Stay interviews are an effective and proactive tool to retain your high-performing employees and keep them engaged.
  • A stay interview is not an add-on to a performance review. It is a separate conversation to identify specific improvements that would raise their engagement. 
  • A stay interview can inform you about why your high-performing employees stay in their role, and, should they plan to leave, how you may be able to keep them.

Four Keys to Influencing

Influence is the ability to affect the actions, decisions, opinions, or thinking of others in order to accomplish goals and desired outcomes.

Understanding and Responding to Your Needs

In a decentralized organization like the University of Minnesota, each college, unit, and department at the University has their own culture and norms that can vary widely even between work groups in the same department.