Supervisory Development Content Library

Just-in-time resources to expand your knowledge when it’s convenient for you. Explore quick guides, worksheets, templates, videos, and on-demand webinars to get tips, and practice the skills you’ve learned through online exercises at your own pace. 


Quick Guide

Employee Engagement Drivers and Discussion Questions

Employee engagement drivers are specific conditions that create engagement. Improving these conditions will create a higher level of engagement which leads to increased recruitment andretention, increased job performance, and employees going above and beyond for the good of their colleagues and the organization.

Quick Guide

Employee Engagement Drivers and Self-Refection Questions

Employee engagement drivers are specific conditions that create engagement. Improving these conditions will create a higher level of engagement which leads to increased recruitment and retention, increased job performance, and employees going above and beyond for the good of their colleagues and the organization.


Employee Engagement in Action

Creating engagement happens every day, and everyone can find ways to make our experiences at work more fulfilling. The content was built based on themes from participant evaluation feedback, comments, and questions and focuses on the challenges supervisors face in taking action on employee feedback.


Employee Engagement in Action ActionSheet

The purpose of this ActionSheet is to reinforce what you learn about employee engagement. This ActionSheet accompanies the live or recorded webinar, “Employee Engagement in Action.” Print or take notes electronically.


Employee Engagement in Action Podcast (47:36)

This presentation is on the topic of Employee Engagement. The content was built based on themes from participant evaluation feedback, comments, and questions and focuses on the challenges supervisors face in taking action on employee feedback.


Employee Engagement Podcast (48:39)

Employee engagement is the extent to which we, as employees energy, and effort at work. Peak engagement happens when we face meaningful challenges while having the support and resources we need to succeed.


Employee Engagement Survey Drivers

Explore survey drivers to view some ideas for action.


Rethinking Rewards and Compensation

Understanding compensation is more than just knowing local pay structures. As a supervisor, you need to clearly know what your local compensation strategy is. In this webinar, we’ll talk about the misconceptions surrounding how we think about pay and outline the key considerations when thinking about your reward strategy. Note: some of the session content only covers pay for non-contract employees, labor unions have contracts that govern their pay.


Rethinking Rewards and Compensation Podcast (57:20)

Understanding compensation is more than just knowing local pay structures. As a supervisor, you need to clearly know what your local compensation strategy is. In this webinar, we’ll talk about the misconceptions surrounding how we think about pay and outline the key considerations when thinking about your reward strategy. Note: some of the session content only covers pay for non-contract employees, labor unions have contracts that govern their pay.