Supervisory Development Content Library
Just-in-time resources to expand your knowledge when it’s convenient for you. Explore quick guides, worksheets, templates, videos, and on-demand webinars to get tips, and practice the skills you’ve learned through online exercises at your own pace.
Assessing Performance, Potential and Readiness (3:14)
Watch the "Assessing Performance, Potential and Readiness" video.
Assessing Performance, Potential, and Readiness
Your success as a supervisor depends on your ability to provide feedback and coaching in ways that support current performance, develop potential, and ensure that people are ready for the roles and assignments you give them. Your approach will be different, depending on where the employee is on the Performance-Potential-Readiness grid.
Career Conversations
Supporting staff, faculty and student employees in their professional and career development is part of the responsibility of a supervisor and faculty advising graduate or professional students at the University of Minnesota. Career conversations help supervisors gain insight into an employee’s motivation to guide and support their career development.
Coaching is “the process of equipping people with the tools, knowledge, and opportunities they need to develop themselves and become more effective” (David Peterson, PhD, Psychology, University of Minnesota).
Feedback is information communicated for the purpose of helping another person modify their behavior to improve learning and performance.
Feedback ActionSheet
The purpose of this action sheet is to reinforce what you learn about feedback and coaching. This actionsheet accompanies the live or recorded webinar, “Giving Feedback that Works.” Print or take notes electronically.
Feedback and Coaching
Have you ever witnessed a once productive and enthusiastic employee becoming detached or complacent? Or someone being promoted into a role they weren’t ready for?
Feedback and Coaching
Providing feedback and development coaching are important parts of supervision, yet it can be difficult to achieve the result you intended every time. In fact, research shows that only one-third of performance feedback interventions actually lead to increased performance.