Welcome to the University of Minnesota! We’re glad that you’re part of the University of Minnesota and want to make sure that during your first year here you’re able to connect with the University as a great place to work and a place to make a long-lasting contribution to the state of Minnesota through our mission.
The items in this guide will help to guide discussions with your supervisor, peers, and others as you learn about your role at the University of Minnesota. This guide is divided into phases of onboarding. Every job is different though, so use these questions whenever you find them relevant.
Also, note that your supervisor may have an onboarding plan that overlaps with items in this guide. If you have questions or would like to participate in any of the recommended activities, make sure to check with your supervisor.
Before Your First Day
Congratulations on your new job! To help prepare for your first day, take some time for planning and reflection. Research your environment (e.g., glassdoor.com, YouTube videos about your college/administrative unit, LinkedIn, college or unit website). What are you most excited about as you start your career at the University?
Your First Day/Week
You’ve arrived! Welcome to the University of Minnesota. As you begin your employment, you’ll be given a lot of information, you’ll meet a lot of new people and have to learn a new organizational culture. Give yourself time to learn about your job and your department or unit. On average, it takes a new employee about eight months to feel productive. To help you on your first day and first week, think about asking some of the questions below.
During Your First Month
A new job can be an exciting time of new experiences, meeting new people, and learning and personal growth. It can also be a time of confusion, insecurity, and frustration. Have patience while you learn and reach out to those around you for support. Consider using the questions below to start conversations.
30 to 60 Days
During the first 60 days, most employees are performing their new functions somewhat independently and there are still a lot of new experiences to be had, depending on the job. Many people are still in the process of understanding the broader context of the University and the culture of the group/unit. Use this period to continue to meet people, especially those in other units that might be impacted by the work of your unit. Build your network and understand how you can contribute to your college’s strategic goals or those of the University. Consider the questions below as you continue to learn.
60 to 90 Days
The third month of a new job is a time to clarify expectations with your supervisor and set goals for the rest of the year. It’s also a good time to consider having a mini review to discuss how your knowledge, skills, and abilities are fitting within your team and what you can do to make an impact on the strategic goals. It’s also a good time to determine additional training and professional development that might be useful. Consider the questions below as a guide to these conversations.
90 Days and Beyond
Congratulations! You are now past the first three months of your new job. This is a time when many employees are flying solo on the job. You might find your supervisor is sending you to meetings alone, assigning tasks, and establishing a regular routine of check-ins and feedback. This is when you will probably start to feel like you know the scope of your job and can accomplish routine work with little supervision. During this time period, think about long-term contributions to the unit and connect them with the University’s mission.