Happy New Year! Since January is a time for renewal, we’re focusing this month on building resilience, managing workplace stressors, and creating balance.
Difficult situations as inevitable; we face them every day. As someone who oversees the work of others, you can help your department to manage difficult circumstances by helping them to become more resilient.
Resilient people face the reality of difficult situations with courage, have a positive self-image, and focus on finding solutions to move forward. Building resilience requires self-awareness and practice and can be developed by anyone. As a supervisor, you are well positioned to build your employees’ ability to adapt to stressful circumstances and become more resilient.
First, recognize the signs of burnout:
- Exhaustion: Feeling tired, worn out, and a general lack of energy.
- Cynicism: Easily irritated and impatient with co-workers, students, clients, or patients. This can sound like, “I don’t care anymore” or “I’m over it.”
- Inefficacy: Feeling helpless, ineffective, and less confident than usual. You might notice a decrease in productivity and trouble concentrating.
All of these symptoms can affect performance, and the behavior of one person can affect the whole team. It’s easy to write people off when you see these behaviors, but before you do, consider the source of the stress and how you can help.
- Role Conflict—Facing competing priorities, unrealistic deadlines, or conflicting demands. Succeeding in one area means failing in another.
What you can do: Talk with your team during team meetings or one-on-ones about their workload. Also, help set boundaries with requests from others. - Role Ambiguity—Feeling unsure about job responsibilities or expectations.
What you can do: Have a conversation about roles and responsibilities. Be clear about your expectations and goals. Make sure everyone on the team knows what others are doing. - Interpersonal Conflict - Disagreements and conflicts with co-workers become personal and emotional.
What you can do: Ask questions to determine the source of the conflict and practice reflective listening. Authentic compassion and empathy will go a long way. - Lack of Social Support—Feeling disconnected from others within and outside of work. Not enough help or emotional support in solving problems.
What you can do: Recognize even small successes, noting the impact their efforts have made on others. Establish or revisit norms to foster honest and open communication.
Remember that although you manage a team, you’re also a member of the team so be sure to take care of yourself, too. Be intentional about creating time to relax and recharge on evenings, weekends, holidays, and vacations. Add short breaks to your calendar or schedule, even if it’s only a few minutes to stand and stretch.
What makes a good fit?
In December, the majority of supervisors said that someone who is a “good fit” for the position has the knowledge, skills, and abilities to be successful. Learn more about how to make sure to hire a “good fit.”