Conflict at work often stems from one or more of these conflict sources:
Understanding the root causes of a conflict will help you figure out how to manage it more effectively, which may lead to solutions that resolve the conflict.
Keys to Conflict Management
Don't Avoid
Conflict may be uncomfortable, but it can be productive.
Unpack Conflict & Master Skills
Most conflicts have more than one source, and there are often layers (e.g., conflict about a project that has worsened to the point where team members are angry with each other).
Depending on the conflict source and situation, mastering the following skills will help you manage conflict effectively: reflective listening, delayed response, using non-reactive statements, building rapport, unpacking the conflict, and finding common ground.
Coach Others
As a supervisor, members of your team or department will experience conflict with each other and with people in other areas. In these cases, instead of applying these skills yourself, your job is to provide feedback and coaching* so that they can learn and apply these skills, too. The more comfortable you are using these skills and the more experience you have with them, the more you'll be able to coach others to manage conflict effectively.
* See the Feedback and Coaching module for tips and best practices on providing effective feedback and coaching.
How do I start?
Review the four most common conflict sources below to learn what they might look like in the workplace and which skills and techniques are most effective.