Engaging Virtual Teams

Being a supervisor in “normal times” is no easy task, let alone managing the impacts of the events over the last few weeks and months. While virtually supporting the individual needs of those on your team while keeping them connected and engaged is easier said than done, it’s not impossible. Join us for the new webinar "Engaging Virtual Teams".

For a more active learning experience, download the MS Word ActionSheet for Engaging Virtual Teams. The ActionSheet becomes your takeaway to help reinforce learning and something that you can reference for later.

Engaging Virtual Teams ActionSheet


Engaging Virtual Teams Resources

Tools for Virtual Collaboration

  • Slack – Create a virtual workspace for easy collaboration.
  • Asana – Project tracking.
  • Google Chat – Quick chat tool built right into your inbox.
  • Zoom – Web conferencing for 1:1s and team meetings.
  • G Suite Apps – Document collaboration.
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Course Focus

Related Resources for Supervisors

Leading Teams, Online Module