When a member of your team or department is involved in a conflict at work, your role as a supervisor is to provide feedback and coaching to help them develop and use effective conflict management skills. In many cases, you may not be directly involved, but your support is important in helping them manage the situation effectively.
Get involved when:
The conflict is interrupting you or your team's work.
The conflict is disruptive and counterproductive.
One or more of your direct reports' behavior is inconsistent with expectations for how they are to get their work done*.
Your role is to:
Ensure that others feel valued and respected regardless of their background.
Coach others to find a productive way forward.
Create and strengthen meaningful collaboration and teamwork.
The culture on your team will reflect the behaviors that are tolerated. Difficult and problematic behavior that is not addressed will set the tone and affect others. As a supervisor, it is your role to address such behavior by setting clear expectations for what is acceptable and what is not. Addressing unacceptable behavior is an important part of managing performance.
*Go to z.umn.edu/rvecagoals to learn more about the competency model developed at the University of Minnesota to support talent development discussions.