What is Accountability?
Accountability means that there is a consequence (positive or negative) if a person takes or does not take an action.
Why is Accountability Important?
Accountability is how you reward and encourage the behaviors and outcomes needed for success. Creating a culture of accountability is how you:
- Focus on, and achieve, key outcomes in your team or department.
- Engage and motivate high performing faculty and staff.
- Ensure that poor performance is not tolerated.
- Sustain high performing teams and departments by ensuring that people hold each other accountable.
How Do I Drive Accountability?
Accountability is consequential, but that doesn’t mean it has to be punitive. You can get started on driving accountability by following the four steps in the accountability model:
Service Areas
Related Resources for Supervisors
Delegate to Achieve and Empower, Webinar
Delegation, Quick Guide
Driving Results Through Others, Online Module
Establishing a Culture of Accountability, Quick Guide
Influencing, Quick Guide
Orienting to Results, Quick Guide
Orienting to Results Worksheet, Template
Planning for Results, Quick Guide
The Art of Influence, Webinar
The Art of Influence ActionSheet, Template
The Art of Influence Podcast (48:56), Podcast