Goal Setting

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Goals are the most important way to set expectations for an employee that include both key results of what needs to be accomplished and behaviors, or how the results are accomplished over the next year.

Goals as a first step performance management

What are goals?

Goals are the most important way to set expectations for an employee that include both key RESULTS of what needs to be accomplished and BEHAVIORS, or how the results are accomplished over the next year.

Note: depending on the work, some goals can span several years or have a shorter time-span. Goals do not need to fit an annual time frame – they may get done before the end of the year or carry over to the next cycle.

Why should I set goals?

  • Well-designed goals guide an employee's priorities and efforts and set the agenda for the year.
  • Setting meaningful goals is one of the most powerful ways that you can motivate employees, focus their contributions, and help them improve their performance.
  • Clear and relevant goals are the foundation for effective coaching and feedback as well as for performance evaluations.

How do I set goals?

Simply follow the steps that outline the best practices below.


Resource Type

Quick Guide

Course Focus