Performance Evaluation

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What is performance evaluation?

Performance evaluation includes measuring effectiveness in meeting expectations for achieving results as well as how those results are achieved (i.e., behaviors).

Effective performance evaluation does not happen only at the end of a year but through ongoing check-ins throughout the year.

Formal evaluation is the final step in the performance management process and includes writing and delivering a performance evaluation.

How do I conduct performance evaluation?

Before you begin

Rater Bias
Everyone has biases, and we bring them to the table when evaluating ourselves or others. Be consciously mindful when undertaking performance reviews. Setting up an effective performance management system that includes the best practices will help alleviate potential bias in a formal performance evaluation.

Local Process
Performance review processes and methods are determined locally. Your college, campus, or unit may have their own guidelines for the performance management process, including the timing, steps, and the forms and tools you need to use. Contact your local HR department to learn about the specific guidelines.

Get Ready: Prepare for Review

Get Set: Write the Review

Go: Deliver the Review

Resource Type

Quick Guide

Course Focus